Our products are shipped by FedEx on business days. You will receive a tracking number after processing time, typically between 2-3 business days; excluding custom items.


"Can I make changes to my order?"

To insure a quick delivery, all orders are processed daily. Therefore, orders cannot be altered or changed once payment is complete.


"Can I return my order?"

We are more than welcome to offer a return on unopened hair within FIVE (5) DAYS of receiving your order.                     While we do have very low return rates, and we are delighted by the high quality hair that we offer: we understand that there may be a case in which you need to return or exchange your order and we are happy to accommodate returns and exchanges on hair that has NOT been opened, worn, or tampered with; Including brushed, combed, fingered through, cut, or colored, etc...!

           We are not responsible for any stylist trying to custom color or dye your human hair!

- You must contact us first at (518) 463-6000 during Business Hours within the five (5) day return period. All N.D. El's Hair must be shipped back unopened in its original packaging, and the packaging must NOT be defected in any way or a return will not be issued. We do NOT offer returns or exchanges if the N.D. El's hair seal on the hair has been broken! 


"When will I receive my refund?"

A full refund, excluding the original shipping cost, will be issued to your original payment method shortly after we have received, inspected, and confirmed that the returned hair had not been opened and the N.D. El's security seal was not broken. Refunds are normally returned back to your bank card within 24-48 hours after we initiate the refund.


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